Lee Fenton Lee Fenton

Why Superhero Movies Are Proving to be WB Pictures' Kryptonite Part II - Opinion Piece

Now that I've established what 'sunk cost fallacy' is – and that most of WB Pictures recent business decisions seem to stem from a wholehearted attempt to avoid this pitfall, it should be clear why the heads of the company are cancelling projects all over the place.

From the much maligned pulling of ‘The Batgirl film’ just months before it's release - to the recent controversy over cancelling a completed Looney Tunes project (flagship characters of WB Animation) that starred the extremely bankable John Cena. In total, there are 18 or more television series and movies that have been cancelled by Warner Bros. Entertainment in the last few years.

Researched, Written & Edited by: Lee Fenton

(click here for Why Superhero Movies Are Proving to be WB Pictures' Kryptonite Part I)

(click here for Why Superhero Movies Are Proving to be WB-Discovery’s Kryptonite Part III)

Now that I've established what 'sunk cost fallacy' is – and that most of WB Pictures recent business decisions seem to stem from a wholehearted attempt to avoid this pitfall, it should be clear why the heads of the company are cancelling projects all over the place.

From the much maligned pulling of ‘The Batgirl film’ just months before it's release - to the recent controversy over cancelling a completed Looney Tunes project (flagship characters of WB Animation) that starred the extremely bankable John Cena. In total, there are 18 or more television series and movies that have been cancelled by Warner Bros. Entertainment in the last few years.

"Why Are People Outraged Over John Cena’s Canceled Looney Tunes Movie?"

"Filmmakers are calling Warner Bros.’ decision to pull the plug on Coyote vs. Acme, a completed film with reportedly high audience scores, disgusting and anti-art." - Vanity Fair [1] (NOVEMBER 10, 2023 )

Current operating CEO of the Company David Zaslav says he's gearing the company towards theatrical releases. To illustrate this, since WB Entertainment merged with Discovery and became a joint company – his initiatives have insured that more than 25 moves and TV shows have been 'pulled' from the HBO Max Streaming service, HBO (Home Box Office) being a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Discovery. Although a few short years ago the streaming service was considered the most viable avenue for the parent company to earn revenue in an ever-changing digital landscape; the aim now is to pivot away from home releases and to instead attempt a return to the big screen properties that made the company a successful film studio, in the first place.

Then why are they cancelling projects that have the greatest chance at performing well at the box office? It seems that if the goal of the company is to restart a zestiest around their tent-pole releases and to recapture the word of mouth buzz that their pictures could garner in the past – then they should be pouring all they have into these larger projects. Instead Warner Bros. seems to be 'cleaning house', almost as if they are preparing for bankruptcy or a total change of the business model from the top-down.

Would it be surprising if WB Discovery decided to scale down the company and focus more on 3rd-party distribution?

Well, no.

It wouldn't be.

In fact, as I'm writing this - it dawned on me to do a little research; to support my point of view. Got to love when news articles support the conclusions being drawn in your writing.

“WBD is in the midst of a vast restructuring and cost-cutting exercise following the $43bn merger between Discovery and Warner Media, but the company’s CFO chief financial officer Gunnar Wiedenfels defended programming cuts while also pointing to untapped potential on library sales.” -TBI Vision [2] (September 9th/ 2022)

So what does this mean for the future of one of the largest film distributors in the world?

And more importantly, why is it that of all things it happened to be superhero fatigue that may have caused the greatest blow to this once powerful giant of the entertainment industry?


Why Superhero Movies Are Proving to be WB Pictures' Kryptonite.



[1] https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/11/why-are-people-outraged-over-john-cenas-canceled-looney-tunes-movie article by Savannah Walsh

[2] https://tbivision.com/2022/09/09/warner-bros-discovery-firing-up-third-party-distribution-as-fast-push-emerges/ article by Richard Middleton

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Lee Fenton Lee Fenton

Why Superhero Movies Are Proving to be WB Pictures' Kryptonite - Opinion Piece

I feel it's time to say something about the Warner Bros. Pictures fiasco.

But before I do that, it's necessary to unpack what the term 'sunk cost fallacy' means. Sunk cost fallacy is when an individual (or organization) believes it is worthwhile to continue pouring funds into an obviously fruitless venture.

It's based around the assumption that once you have extended yourself financially it makes sense to invest more - until the project pays off. In business, this is one of the gravest errors a person can make. It's much more advantageous to know when you should 'cut your losses' and move on to a more profitable endeavor.

Written by: Lee Fenton & Kevin Moyer

(click here for Why Superhero Movies Are Proving to be WB-Discovery’s Kryptonite Part II)

(click here for Why Superhero Movies Are Proving to be WB Pictures' Kryptonite Part III)

I feel it's time to say something about the Warner Bros. Pictures fiasco.

But before I do that, it's necessary to unpack what the term 'sunk cost fallacy' means. Sunk cost fallacy is when an individual (or organization) believes it is worthwhile to continue pouring funds into an obviously fruitless venture. It's based around the assumption that once you have extended yourself financially it makes sense to invest more - until the project pays off. In business, this is one of the gravest errors a person can make. It's much more advantageous to know when you should 'cut your losses' and move on to a more profitable endeavor.

I believe this is what the exec's at WB Pictures are doing.

They are being very wary of the potential for more losses due to the business model that they've been following for quite some time now. That business model was based around the success of previously established IP and franchises that were majority of them comic book associated. This is a somewhat new development at WB, influenced by the massive influx of superhero films, and in particular the global success of Marvel Studios. But something we must keep in mind is that Warner Bros has long been a rights holder of one of the most influential caped crusaders of our time.

Who is that, you ask?

Batman. That's who.

If this is news to you – then I'm glad to be the one who informs you - that Tim Burton's Batman (1989) was produced by Warner Bros. As was the animated series that ran from the early 90s into the 2000s. WB has been synonymous with all versions of the Dark Knight that have graced TV screens or big screens since they bought the film & television rights in 1969.

Warner Bros. and DC Comics became part of the same conglomerate in 1969, and the studio has since used DC characters to make more than 40 movies and at least 30 television shows, including cartoons.[1] -The New York Times

What is the point of me going over all this in such detail, you might wonder. Well that's because I need an adequate foundation for my argument before I segway into the meat of this two-part opinion piece:

Why Warner Bros Pictures decided to can the Batgirl movie (as well as most of their other planned comic book adaptations).


Why Superheroes Are Proving to be WB Pictures' Kryptonite Part II

[1] Superman in Starring Role as DC Studios Unveils Strategy

The yet-to-be-cast “Superman: Legacy” will begin a story that unfolds across at least 10 interconnected movies and TV shows, with Batman, Swamp Thing and others.


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Lee Fenton Lee Fenton

International Megastar: Margot Robbie (Spotlight - 25 Unknown Facts about the Actress)

1. Margot Robbie, born on July 2, 1990, is an Australian actress and film producer.

2. She rose to prominence with her role as Naomi Lapaglia in the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" (2013).

3. Robbie began her acting career in Australian independent films and television shows.

4. She is known for her versatility and ability to portray diverse characters.

Written & Compiled by: Harold A. Martin Formatted & Editing by: Lee Fenton

1. Margot Robbie, born on July 2, 1990, is an Australian actress and film producer.

2. She rose to prominence with her role as Naomi Lapaglia in the film "The Wolf of Wall Street" (2013).

3. Robbie began her acting career in Australian independent films and television shows.

4. She is known for her versatility and ability to portray diverse characters.

5. Robbie received critical acclaim for her performance as Tonya Harding in the biographical film "I, Tonya" (2017).

6. She has been nominated for several prestigious awards, including an Academy Award and a Golden Globe.

7. Robbie is also a successful producer, co-founding the production company LuckyChap Entertainment.

8. She played the iconic role of Harley Quinn in the film "Suicide Squad" (2016) and its spin-off "Birds of Prey" (2020).

9. Margot Robbie is an advocate for gender equality in the film industry.

10. She has a strong social media presence and uses her platform to promote important causes.

11. Robbie is known for her dedication to her craft, often immersing herself in her characters' lives.

12. She has a passion for sports and enjoys activities like surfing and ice hockey.

13. Margot Robbie has a background in dance and even considered pursuing a career in ballet.

14. She has worked with renowned directors like Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino, and David Ayer.

15. Robbie has a reputation for being down-to-earth and approachable, despite her fame.

16. She has been listed among the highest-paid actresses in the world by Forbes magazine.

17. Margot Robbie is multilingual and can speak French fluently.

18. She has been involved in various philanthropic endeavors, supporting organizations like UNICEF and Time's Up.

19. Robbie is a fan of comic books and was thrilled to bring the character of Harley Quinn to life on the big screen.

20. She has received praise for her performances in period dramas like "Mary Queen of Scots" (2018).

21. Margot Robbie is known for her stunning red carpet fashion choices and has become a style icon.

22. She has a strong work ethic and takes on challenging roles that push her boundaries as an actress.

23. Robbie has expressed interest in directing in the future and hopes to explore different aspects of filmmaking.

24. She has a close-knit family and often credits them for their support and guidance.

25. Margot Robbie continues to be one of the most talented and sought-after actresses in Hollywood, with a promising career ahead.

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Lee Fenton Lee Fenton

LEGION; An Explosive Kaleidoscope of Musical Numbers, Semi-surreal Dream sequences, and Ethereal Planes of Existence.

LEGION; An Explosive Kaleidoscope of Musical Numbers, Semi-surreal Dream sequences, and Ethereal Planes of Existence.

As far as comic book properties go, Legion is not your regular kind. Not at all.

Now I am aware that superhero fatigue is at an all-time high, so writing this review is like trying to sell snow cones in a blizzard.

Written by: Lee Fenton

This article was written during the 2023 WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. Without the hard work and dedication of the writers and actors, the movie being covered here wouldn’t exist. In fact, no films or television would.

We stand in solidarity.

As far as comic book properties go, Legion is not your regular kind. Not at all.

Now I am aware that superhero fatigue is at an all-time high, so writing this review is like trying to sell snow cones in a blizzard. Or an air conditioning unit to Ice-Man.

See what I did there?

The reason I am writing this particular review:

Nobody can accuse me of trying to ride the comic book trend. And it still seems far from fully drained, judging by the amount of creators milking the algorithm harder than Mark Hamill - y’know, when he's really parched for some blue milk? Legion is old news, even in its hay-day it wasn't the marketing juggernaut that the Marvel/Netflix series were.

Legion was relegated to that rather new and unknown home; the FX network. Although the channel had a few moderate hits like Archer and It's Always Sunny - these shows were still in their early seasons, and neither gained a large following - until years later. Although they had one breakout series; Fargo. Based loosely on the film of the same name, this series expanded the original premise and employed the mega star Billy Bob Thornton to play the main villain for the first season. It was created by Noah Hawley and he received much praise for the show, and his sway went up with FX allowing him to attempt such an experimental show. If it wasn’t for his prior success with Fargo - it is unlikely FX would have allowed him to pilot such a risky project.

Thankfully it paid off. Legion received plenty of applause from critics and was lauded by most as a magnificent and psychedelic take on an obscure and uniquely omniscient character. And that is exactly why I want to talk to about it. The filming in Legion required a huge array of inventive visual-language and sound engineering, from impromptu musical numbers, to animated sequences, inventive representations of ethereal planes of existence, and much more.

The show is utterly hypnotic. If you have not taken time to view this series, let me describe it to you. Produced and created by Noah Hawley, the creator of the celebrated television series Fargo, Legion is centered around the exploits of one Dave Haller. The son of fictional character Charles Xavier of the X-men.

Have I scared you off yet?

No? Good.

David is a character that allows us as viewers to experience the story from his warped and seemingly schizophrenic point of view. That's right, Charles Xavier's son has schizophrenia. Or he's possessed. By some entity of unimaginable power. This entity is known as the Shadow-King, Amaal Farouk by another name – and the story really centers around the power struggle between these two cosmic beings. Both have the power of telekinesis and telepathy, omega level. Which if all that means nothing to you, since you don't waste your time with such nonsense; both beings are virtually omniscient and omnipotent. I will say this, it makes for one interesting story.

But all this matters not, what really matters is – ahh – the execution. Yes. This is an out-there concept that has huge potential to challenge a filmmaker, so much so that they cannot correctly translate it to the medium of screen. Afterall the television show is based on a graphic novel and that medium allows for all types of visual depiction that films do not. If the mise-en-scene is not spot on in the show, the ineffable nature of the subject matter will be lost in the transition to film. How do you portray beings that have limitless amounts of power and minds that comprehend things that gods are meant to ponder. Not easily. But Noah Hawley did it.

That man defied logic and made a show that both handles that source material expertly, and tells a coherent story at the same time.

Watching Legion is like putting yourself in the opposite of a deprivation tank.

It is an overloading of stimuli that is both pleasant, and off-putting at the same time. It draws you in and then moments later make’s you want to recoil in horror and run away. It is alluring, while being repugnant. It's a surrealist nightmare trapped in an expressionistic dream - being dreamt up by a flying turtle. Maybe the world's on that turtle's back, or maybe that turtle isn't a turtle at all. Maybe it's really just a show; that managed to do something completely fresh, ubiquitous and off-the-wall alternative.

And Noah Hawley made it pure art to watch.

Legion is ebullient in its strangeness, never shying away from the drastically unreal - while skewering mundanity at every turn. Aubrey Plaza will blow you away, Amber Midthunder kicks insane amounts of ass, and Dan Stevens as the titular David Haller/Legion turns in a performance that breaks your heart and potentially your mind, as well. His acting in this, is hands down SOME OF THE BEST I HAVE SEEN on television. Bryan Cranston was jealous when he saw this show, trust me.

If one new(ish) Marvel property is forgiven for the sins of all the others, it should be this one.

And maybe Wanda-Vision...

I'm done.

Rating 10/10

Well-done, crispy psychic slug. Don't order if you're under the influence of time travel. 

Served with raw cassette tape rolls. 

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