Palm Springs or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Loop

Written by: Lee Fenton

Palm Springs is a sci-fi romantic comedy, directed by Mark Barbakow (in his directorial debut) - the screenplay was written by Andy Siara and co-produced by Andy Samberg under his production company 'The Lonely Island'. The movie is a spiritual successor to Groundhog Day (1993) and Andy Samberg has given Bill Murray and Harold Ramis credit for at least in-part inspiring Palm Springs[2], admittedly the film is Siara and Samberg's take on the niche sub-genre. Recent films that would sort of fall into this category are ‘Happy Death-Day’ and "Edge Of Tomorrow" the latter starring the ultra-famous Tom Cruise. Some have criticized these films for being derivative and watering down what was once a rather unique idea. Some have even went as far as to insinuate that Palm Springs could be considered a Groundhog Day rip-off by the more staunch 'Murray' fans.[1]

Palm Springs however turns out to be a refreshing retread of the source material. Andy Samberg turns in a performance that shows off his natural acting talent and his ability to provide emotional depth that resonates with the viewer. This isn't something we see from him often, his other roles usually focus on humor alone. He seldom endeavors to play a role that requires more than his brand of alternative-absurdist humor.

Cristin Mioliti stars opposite Samberg, a relative new-comer: she proves to be very capable carrying the heavy weight in this film. She provides the audience with a surrogate character that is also the central focus of the story. There is a twist about halfway through that changes the dynamic of her character and if it was a less likable actress in the role, this twist might cause some to view her in a negative light – however it instead adds weight to her traits that are already present in the film. IE; it explains why her personality is the way it is - and makes you empathize with her even more.

J.K. Simmons is quite a delight and I'm overjoyed to say it. He might be my favorite supporting-actor of all time.

This isn't a 'jab' at him, it seems it's the role he prefers - instead of the lead. I've never felt like Simmons was an actor that needs the attention - it seems he enjoys the craft enough to commit to being part of something larger and delivering a superb end-product. Every smaller role he's had; whether it be in an ensemble piece (Sam Raimi's Spider-man trilogy, Burn After Reading, and many more) or as part of a regular sized cast - Simmons’ succeeds in being one of the stand-out roles of the film, regardless of his screen-time. His performance as J. Jonah Jameson in the Spider-man franchise is not only one of the most true to the source material but it was also one of the more charismatic and comedic. People talk about the Marvel Cinematic Universe - attempting to pinpoint where that 'joke-y' and irreverent humor came from - lo-and-behold, it was JK Simmons! Sure you can say Robert Downey Jr. helped to substantiate it. Hell you can even say that Hugh Jackman in the first X-men movie was making one-liners about "yellow spandex" and you’d be right. But really the true progenitor was likely J.K. Simmons. I recall busting a gut whenever the man would come on screen in any of the first three Spider-Man films.

Because he's hilarious.

And Andy Samberg does not disappoint, seeing him and JK Simmons in a scene together 'riffing'; was easily worth the price of admission. Andy Samberg is at the top of his game and his jokes hit nearly every-time. The man can do physical comedy as well as a multi-layered joke - he is really quite genius. And he always manages to be ahead of the times, trying new types of meta-humor and experimental bits. I like funny-men that take risks, like Jim Carrey or Steve Carell. They risk grating on some of the more stodgy peoples comedic sensibilities, but all-in-all, I think the majority love high-energy, cutting-edge comedy.

In Palm Springs, Simmons’ character is similar to the one he played in Burn After Reading. He’s a laid back business man; who couldn't be paid to give a shit about anything. However, without spoiling too much of the film; we are also lucky enough to be treated to that other side of JK Simmons, the one that his titular character - J Jonah Jameson demanded. I myself - have not seen all of Whiplash - but what I have seen of it; that’s the exact energy you get from Simmons' in parts of this film. Those scenes are genuinely a little frightening at moments - then all the more hilarious because of it.

Is ‘Mad-Dog Simmons’’ a good nick-name for this side of the actor?

In closing, I will say this - Groundhog Day was a ground-breaking truly brilliant film. Palm Springs is a more than adequate film; that showcases some amazing performances. There are expertly framed shots of a verdant desert the shot composition bringing out the grandeur and beauty of the landscape. I really enjoyed the cinematography in it and didn’t expect that I would be this in love with the look. And it had me laughing and laughing my ass off. I think it deserved the festival press and awards - especially considering this was filmed during one of the more volatile times for cinema in recent history. That is to say, it arrived early in the Coronavirus Pandemic; when regulations were still extremely tight and most movies were going straight to streaming platforms like HBO Max and Disney+. It’s sad because I feel this project would have received a lot more praise and attention had it debuted at a more conducive time for the film-industry.

So does Palm Springs outdo Groundhog Day?

Most certainly not.

But is it still a brilliantly, wonderful lil’ flick?

Yes, yes it is.


Rating 8.5/10

Can I interest anyone in a $100 chocolate bar.... it's not a scam.

Sources: [1]

The Main Difference Between 'Palm Springs' & 'Groundhog Day'



Time-loop romcom Palm Springs is often compared to Groundhog Day, but it's different in one crucial way.

Link to article (,stuck%20in%20the%20time%20loop.

[2]Star Andy Samberg sees ‘Palm Springs’ as fun twist on ‘Groundhog Day’ idea

Bob Strauss July 7, 2020

Link to article on (,'%20and%20'Edge%20of%20Tomorrow.

Lee Fenton

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