17 Entertaining Facts About One of the Most Famous Men in Hollywood, 'Robert Downey Jr.'

Written, Edited & Compiled by: Lee Fenton

  1. Robert Downey Jr. is one of the highest paid actors in the world; holding the 8th, 9th, and 10th spot for “Highest-earning actors for a single production” (List of highest paid actors - Wikipedia).

  2. He is known for his ability to improvise dialogue and for his extended monologues on-screen.

  3. When is his birthday? Robert Downey Jr. was born on April 4th / 1965.

  4. In Christopher Nolan’s film, ‘Oppenheimer’ he portrayed Former Acting Secretary of US Commerce ‘Lewis Strauss’ one of the first members of the US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and a pivotal figure in WW2.

  5. He has grossed over 14 billion worldwide from his various projects.

  6. Robert Downey Jr. helped to launch the MCU by starring in the first ‘Iron Man’ film (2008).

  7. He plays “James Barris” a character in the experiential “A Scanner Darkly”, a groundbreaking indie film based on a story (of the same name) by Philip K. Dick. This movie was shot entirely using rotoscoping; a process in which animators trace over live action footage. 

  8. Robert Downey Sr. was a fairly well-known Hollywood name from the 50s onward. He’s starred in a handful of films over the years, but the majority of his work was done behind the camera. He has twenty listed filmmaker credits (19 of those as director) spanning from 1953 to 2005.

  9. He was nominated for an Academy Award for his role in the biopic ‘Chaplin’ in 1996. This was the first film I saw Downey Jr. in – he portrays Charlie Chaplin expertly, and it will always have a close place in my heart.

  10. He’s been happily married (with two kids) for over 20 years; his wife is Susan Downey, an active film producer and a success in her own right. Neat fact: They’re also in charge of a thriving production company (TeamDowney.com) that they co-own. Jeeze, and I’m stressed out trying to run an entertainment & film website. Does Robert Downey Jr.’s ability to hustle know no bounds?

    If you would like to learn more about Team Downey:


  11. What is Robert Downey Jr.’s favourite food? Well, how about I go to HonestCooksKitchen.com for that answer:

    Cheeseburgers... I want a cheeseburger.  I want bacon on it... I want a lot of cheese. I want Thousand Island. I might even put some pizza oil on it" [1]

  12. Downey first made his mark in the 1960s counterculture movement, acting in films that utilized the style of absurdism to make an artistic statement about the folie(s) of capitalism. His views were somewhat anti establishment, and the films he made were experimental arthouse projects, featuring symbolism and vivid imagery.

  13. He’s been married three times.

  14. Robert Downey Jr. is going to play 4 different roles in an upcoming miniseries ‘The Sympathizer’ (Cảm tình viên). It’s a Vietnamese based show that’s adapted from a Pulitzer Prize winning book by the same name. That’s more Downey that you bargained for, hell that’s more than anyone expected! Should be good, very political. 

  15. He is no doubt one of the most talented, multi-faceted, and sought after actors of our generation. It’s hard to imagine anyone raising to the level of stardom (and critical acclaim) that this man has managed.

  16. Robert Downey Jr. struggled with addiction early in his career (due to his father’s proclivity for partying drugs were readily available in the family home) and almost had his film career derailed from [a possession charge (1996)] and various drug infractions. Robert Downey Jr. has stated in multiple interviews that his father allowed him to smoke marijuana at the young age of six years old and he (Downey Jr.) was a regular user by age eight. 

    This is just wrong, on so many levels. No one should be using intoxicants at that young of age – in fact waiting until a person is legally entitled to use, is the right idea. There are links below provided for addiction services & outreach/rehab., please use them if you or a loved one suffers from substance abuse issues.

    [Clarification & Correction. Previously: possession charges, and specific date lacking]

  17. What is Robert Downey Jr.’s favourite movie that he (himself) ever starred in? Well it just happens to be high on the my list — I even decided to do a review on it. The movie in question is: ‘Kiss, Kiss Bang Bang’. It’s a fun neo-noir comedy. He stars alongside Val Kilmer and Michelle Monaghan. I could say more or you could click on the link below to read a double-feature on ‘Kiss, Kiss Bang Bang’ and ‘Diehard’.


Links to Addictions & Substance Abuse resources

Addictions and Recovery USA:


The Canadian Centre for Substance Use & Addictions




[1] https://www.honestcookskitchen.com/post/robert-downey-jr-s-favorite-meal

Lee Fenton



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