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Cinema in the Age of Cellphones and Digital Media - Part 1

Written & Edited by: Lee Fenton

There's been a lot of discussion lately in the news, on social media, and all over that thing we call "the internet" -- mostly centered around the recent failings of blockbuster films, and what that means for the film industry.

Is this just a temporary dip in the market, or is it a symptom of a much larger problem?

Well, there's a number of contributing factors to consider -- first and foremost -- the ubiquitous rise of streaming platforms as the preferred method for watching movies and television. Indeed, even the term TV is seeing a downtrend in usage, as most have adopted the term "streaming series" when referring to the long-form content that apps like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, AppleTV, and Disney+ host.

We are through the looking glass, so to speak.

People used to love going to the theatres in droves to experience the newest tentpole release on IMAX -- later bragging to their friends about the immersive environment and new advancements. This is now a thing of the past; welcome to the era of "second screen content".

What is "second screen content" you ask?

It's content that is made to be watched in the background as you browse your phone or use some other device, IE; it's mindless entertainment without any real stakes or drama. Reality television and most sit-coms fit this bill already, but now studios are pushing creators to tone down their creative endeavours and instead make content that caters to whatever happens to be trending on social media. So, your show (or straight to streaming feature) better be driving the algorithm for that week.

It's crystal clear to anyone with half a brain that this type of work environment is NOT conducive to creativity. Even, IF it means profits in the short-term; the long-term effect on the industry is clearly negative. It's common knowledge amongst entepreneaurs that "you don't chase trends, you predict them, when at all possible", this is fairly standard advice for anyone who's trying their hand at a new business.

So, in effect -- hard hitting cinema just isn't produced in the quantity that it used to be. And as a result, we are seeing more people making the decision to keep their hard earned dollars; choosing to forgo the movie-going experience all together and instead veg-out infront of their handheld devices -- opting for the comfort of their home over the ambience of the local nickelodeon or cineplex.

What can we do to change this trend?

Find out in Part II of "Cinema in the Age of Cellphones and Digital Streaming" where we will dive into the knock-on effect of the streaming wars and how Netflix revolutionized the way we view content.